We are Called to Serve

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

God calls us uniquely and equips each of us with special talents. You can make a unique contribution in the body of Christ and we want to help put your gifts and passions to work. At Southwood Lutheran, we offer serving opportunities at Southwood, in the community and around the world. Learn more about each serving opportunity and find a fit for you using the descriptions below.

Scheduled to serve?

Manage your serving at Southwood schedule and submit or accept a substitute request.

MSP Volunteer Scheduler

The recent wildfires in California have devastated the lives of so many. Lutheran Disaster Response is there and working to help provide for the immediate needs of people in impacted. They will continue to be there throughout the relief and recovery.

Southwood supports the work of Lutheran Disaster Response with financial contributions that enable them to respond quickly when any disaster strikes. If you would like to help those impacted by the wildfires, you can donate directly to Lutheran Disaster Response.

Prayer Cards

Create handmade cards that are sent to Southwood members following a hospitalization or illness.


Not Sure Where to Serve?     Help Me!

Prayer Shawl

Knit or crochet prayer shawls to be delivered to those needing extra support.


Prayer Squares

Sew small fabric squares with a cross inside for those that like a tangible reminder of God's love.


Prayer Team

Lift up prayers emailed daily as requested by Southwood members.


Short-Term Mission Trips

Short-term mission teams focus on building relationships with the churches and communities we visit. Southwood visits Honduras and Tanzania each year for a time of learning and serving with our partners.