Caring for Others

At Southwood, we believe that caring for others is just one of the ways we are called to live in response to the grace and love of God. Our team includes pastors, Care Ministry staff, and many volunteers. We extend care to others through prayer, visits, support groups and other resources. We are here to support you in daily living or moments of crisis.

Prayer Requests

photo: Praying Hands

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Prayer is the foundation of all that we do. Pastors, staff and Prayer Team members pray daily for the needs and requests of our church family.

Submit a Prayer Request

Join our Prayer Team

Care Team Training

photo: Care Team Training

Do you have a heart for caring for others? Consider joining one of our Care Teams:

  • Care Center Worship: Help lead worship in long-term care centers in the Lincoln community.
  • Funeral Assistance: Be on a team that helps set up and clean up the narthex and sanctuary for a funeral and provide assistance during the funeral service.
  • Group/Class Facilitation: Co-facilitate educational and spiritual support classes and small groups.
  • In-Home/Care Center Visitation: Make visits to Southwood members who are home-bound or living in long-term care centers.
  • New Parent Connection: Prepare baptism gifts and make calls to offer support from Southwood following baptisms.
  • Rehabilitation Visitation: Make visits to Southwood members who are patients in Lincoln area rehabilitation centers.

Training includes discussion, demonstration, small group work and skill building. All materials and lunch provided. 

Email Amy at with any questions.

Care Team Training Registration


photo: lady making a Care visit

Request a Visit

Care Ministry staff and Care Team members are available to visit you or a family member who is having surgery, is hospitalized, or is homebound and feeling isolated.

Please make us aware of your request with the request form or by calling the church office and requesting to speak to a Care staff member.

Request a Visit

Support Groups

Groups provide education as well as support and compassion. You will find strength in Christ and from one another.
Grief Support

photo: lady and support group

Grief support groups are offered periodically for an 8-week session. These groups are for those who have experienced the death of someone significant and provide an opportunity to share, support and begin healing.


Join with others who share in the process of rebuilding their lives after a separation or divorce. Participants grow emotionally and spiritually through this group.

graphic: Volunteer in Care Ministry

Care Ministry has many ways that you can help support others. Joining the prayer team, visiting members unable to attend church, or helping at a funeral lunch are just a few examples.

graphic: Funeral Resources

Planning a service can be a blessing to those in grief. It is a time to laugh and cry as stories are shared. Pre-planning a service is also an option.

Care Staff

Michael Ryan

Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care

office: 402-423-5511

Amy Hansen

Director of Care Ministry

office: 402-423-5511