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Serving God as a Family
March 13, 2024 | by Brenda Neemann
Serving God as a Family All you have to do is say YES one time and you will be hooked. Our family started volunteering when my husband Mark...
As children enter our doors, our primary focus is LOVE. Experiencing the love that God provides, while feeling connected, helps each child grow spiritually. Once that spirit is captured it becomes easy to see their place in God’s world while beginning to spread their own special kind of love to others.
We are looking for 2nd - 5th grade singers to join Mike Mennard in recording new VBS songs.
Rehearse Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:15PM
January 15, 22 & 29 in the Fellowship Hall
We offer Sunday School at the 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 AM worship hours for children ages 3 years old through 5th Grade. Children first gather in age-appropriate classrooms at the beginning of each hour then join other classes for our Large Group experience. In Large Group we sing songs and tell the Bible story in an engaging style. Back in the classroom we focus on connecting the Bible point of the day with interactive crafts, games and lively discussion.
School Community Coordinator, Emma wants to establish a Care Closet for the 300 students that go to Saratoga Elementary. What a wonderful opportunity for Southwood to assist her in creating her vision! This closet will provide personal hygiene and daily basic needs, but more importantly it will help instill confidence for the students who shop there for free.
Our offerings will aid in building the closet and each month we will be gathering the most requested items to begin stocking the Care Closet.
Thank you for shining your light on the Saratoga Stars!
Goal: $2,500
The best part of the year is the first two full weeks in June - VBS!
Although we take a break from Sunday School in the summer, we delight in calling the children up at a special time during Worship. So many things to discuss and delightful children’s thoughts to witness—we all end up learning so much more about our wonderful God!
To celebrate these precious gifts from the Lord a pewter crib cross is provided to new parents with a special blessing. We also announce new babies and adopted children in our Sunday bulletin.
Parents will receive a birthday card in the mail around their child's first birthday, congratulating them on this milestone. Parents can bring this card to Education Station to pick up a faith-filled board book to celebrate being a part of God’s family!
Parents can mark this milestone by giving their 2-year-old their first Bible. This is a beautiful Storybook Bible that is used in our Sunday School so that children will already be familiar with the stories when they start at age 3.
As ELCA Lutherans we welcome all to Holy Communion, even our youngest children. Children of all ages can grow in their relationship with Jesus by
communing. Share this book with your child to introduce the Holy Meal.
Children of all ages can grow in their relationship with Jesus by communing. At Southwood, parents decide when they would like to attend our First Communion Workshop for ages Kindergarten through 5th Grade as a family. This workshop is offered biannually. The Pastors are also eager to support you as you raise your children in the faith, so feel free to contact them with any questions. Jesus invites you to his special meal. It is your family’s faith journey to take together!
As children enter the 3rd Grade, a workshop for children and their parents will help them begin to navigate the Bible and all of the beautiful wisdom it inspires. At the completion of the workshop, they are gifted the Colaborate Lutheran Student Bible that we ask they bring with them to Sunday School.
On the last day of Sunday School, we will celebrate our graduating Elementary children as they take the next step into Confirmation. Parents are welcome to join us as we will have a special blessing for these children of God!