Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Matthew 26:6-7

Now while Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very costly ointment, and she poured it on his head as he sat at the table. Matthew 26:6-7 (NRSVUE)

The Theme of our Wednesday night service today is “Fast from Multitasking/Inattention – Embrace Full Presence in the Moment.” I saw this and thought this is definitely something I could work on! How many times have I been out for dinner or drinks with family or friends, and someone mentions something that then gets me started checking into it in more detail on my phone instead of just enjoying my time with others?

So I thought this would be an easy topic for a devotion. Then I saw the Scripture we are using. How in the world does this fit in with the topic?

We don’t know much about the woman who poured this expensive ointment on Jesus. Was she rich or poor? How did she get the ointment? How much was the ointment worth? Why in the world did she think this was a good idea? What did the other people there think? Why didn’t she sell the ointment and use it for something else (a thought Jesus’s disciples had)?

And now, maybe I have a brief idea of how this relates to the theme of the day. I have so many questions about these brief two verses. What happens if I just sit and try to imagine being there in that moment? I am witnessing a great outpouring of love. This woman doesn’t care what the others in the room are thinking. She has made a big sacrifice of money, simply to express her love for Jesus. And as we read further in the passage, Jesus fully appreciates this gift.

By not being fully present in the moment and instead, thinking of all the why’s, what if’s and how’s, I’m missing the point. This woman was pouring out her love in the way she thought best. I think that is one of the lessons here – by focusing on the moment and being fully present, we can show our love for others.

Questions for Reflection:

  • How can you show others that they have your full attention when you are with them?
  • Many people meditate for periods of time throughout the week. Is this something that would help you be fully present for yourself?


Lord, we are so often distracted by phones, tasks, meetings and other events, that we lose focus on what’s important. Help us to be fully present and open to you. Amen.


Posted by Lori Changstrom

Lori has been on the Southwood staff since 1998. As the Administration/Finance Director, she feels the most important piece of her job is to ensure that we are being good stewards of all that we have been blessed with. She is married to her husband Don, and they have two adult children, David and Rebecca. They are also proud grandparents to Charlotte and Quinn.

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