Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Isaiah 61:10-11

I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations. Isaiah 61:10-11 (NIV)

Thinking about this passage, I found myself feeling called and moved by the idea of my life or my prosperity as a plant described in the second verse for today. Particularly, the idea of how we self-prune (feeling guilt or shame), how straight we try to grow (perfectionism), and how we fertilize/nourish ourselves (studying God’s word/supporting each other).

Going through life, we will continually encounter new people and situations. Sometimes, we will make a misstep, and we feel shame or guilt from wronging someone. This can be healthy, but it can also be taken to an extreme. When we put too much stock into the desires or opinions of others, we feel shame when we don’t live up to those expectations. The idea of “Judgment” particularly makes shame difficult. We instead need to remember that God loves us, and He wants us to grow. Despite our shortcomings, he loves and forgives us.

As a self-diagnosed and recovering perfectionist, it’s hard for me to allow myself to make mistakes. I want the right answers all the time, and it’s hard when we can do everything right and still not achieve the desired outcomes. Like a tree growing toward the sun (maybe God in this analogy), our growth is varied, twisted, and more beautiful in our uniqueness. We just have to have the courage to reach for God.

Finally, I want to focus on the soil where we grow. We need to surround ourselves with good people to be successful. God calls us to be those good people for ourselves and those around us. Too often we surround ourselves with people who focus on what we’ve done wrong. Many studies in education have shown people thrive in environments where they are praised for doing right more than they are chastised for doing wrong.  May you be the person who praises, and may you find those who lift you up when you grow in the right direction.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Have you pruned/stopped yourself from growing before giving yourself a chance to see if it was right?
  • What does your current soil/environment look like? Do you feel supported/nourished?
  • What rules or achievements are you trying too hard to accomplish? When can simply trying be better than getting 100%?


Heavenly father,
Thank you for the knowledge that you love us. Be with us when we think that we still must earn your love and affection. Help us to surround ourselves with people who praise our good deeds more than shaming us for our faults and help us to be that same supportive/nurturing person for others. Amen.


Posted by Brian Stelzer

Brian Stelzer-I work in recreation at the University of Nebraska, and I like to think that I never left college. The learning and community outside of the classroom makes my job so fulfilling. I attended Southwood as a student at UNL, and joined in 2017 when I moved back to Lincoln as a professional. I enjoy singing in the men's and mixed choirs when the job and reffing high school or college sports don't get in the way.

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