1 Corinthians 1:10-17
With the presidential election in less than a month, divisiveness has been on full display. Just like it’s easy to get caught up in American and world politics, politics within the church have been a threat throughout time as well.
In these verses from Corinthians, Paul declares that Christians have divided themselves into factions based on which gifted teacher they follow. He encourages them to put aside selfish pride in order to pursue unity. We are to share the same attitude, the attitude of humble, grateful servants. Turf-wars over preaching style, theology, music selection, offered programs, and more take us away from our true purpose of sharing the gospel and carrying out God’s work.
Let’s remember we are one nation as well - with more in common than not. I think we all believe in freedom, individualism, innovation, equality, having a strong work ethic, and the American Dream. We are incredibly lucky to live here. No matter how the election turns out, we cannot turn on each other. We are Americans. We are Christians. We are one nation under God. Let’s unite and show love wherever we go.
Questions for Reflection:
- Where (or around what topic) in the church do you see divisions forming?
- How can we regroup and present a united front?
- How is the presidential election making you feel?
- What can we all do to bring the temperature in our nation down?
Dear God
Help us act as one body of Christ. Keep us focused on You and how to show the world Your love. Thank you for the gifts of freedom and choice. May we use them wisely. Amen.
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