Sunday, October 6, 2024


Mark 10:17-31

Taking the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment recently, I discovered one of my top five strengths is “Discipline.” The Gallup report says, “People with strong Discipline talents thrive in an organized and orderly environment.” Anyone who knows me will not be surprised by this description. I also have “Strategic” as one of my strengths, so with the combined strengths I like to “consider future possibilities” with an “orderly, precise, and efficient” approach. The bottom line is that I like to set goals and check things off lists that I create to achieve the goals.

Reading the story about the Rich Young Man made me wonder what his CliftonStrengths would be if he took the assessment. Would they also be “Discipline” and “Strategic?” It seems that he also likes to make lists and make sure he is checking them off to achieve his goal. Since his goal was gaining eternal life, his checklist included keeping the commandments. He comes to Jesus to make sure his list is in order. But, as Jesus often does, he turns the Rich Young Man’s list upside down and backward and then challenges him to think about things in a new way. So much for his list!

The point Jesus makes here is not that money is evil and rich people can’t be saved, but that no one can earn eternal life—not even rich, young, powerful people. Let’s go back to the Rich Young Man’s question that initiated this whole incident: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” His question already hints at a deeper answer. What can anyone do to inherit anything? In the end, the young man was so close to eternal life. He was right: eternal life is an inheritance. It can’t be earned; it can only be freely given. And an heir is exactly what God made each of us in baptism. (Romans 8:17)

Jesus calls to us, just as he did to that young man, to follow him to the cross, to the tomb, to his resurrection to receive the gift of eternal life. Thanks be to God!


Who Am I (Casting Crowns)  - sung by Jesse Gichuru:

Not because of who I am
But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are

Questions for Reflection:

  • Have you taken a personality assessment through work or school? Have you thought about how your unique set of gifts and strengths can be used in the building of God’s Kingdom?


We give thanks that because of the work of the Holy Spirit within us, we are Your children, adopted into Your family and made heirs of Your glory.  Amen.

Eternal LifeStrength

Posted by Denise Makinson

Denise Makinson has been directing the music ministry at Southwood since May of 1994. She remembers  the days of leading worship in the sanctuary on 27th Street with the 30-year-old electric Baldwin organ - the B flats only worked occasionally! What a beautiful musical journey we have been on over these many years together as a congregation. She and her husband John have two young adult children, Erin and Nathan. In her free time, Denise enjoys flower gardening.

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