Sunday, July 7, 2024


John 12:12-16

Let’s talk about prophecies…

So much of Jesus’ life seems to be prophesized in the Old Testament.  Like Jesus’ entire life is fulfilling what was said previously.  Why is this?  We watch dystopian movies and shows all the time that talk about a person who is fulfilling some days of old prophecy and is needed to save the world, society, all humankind.  It sounds mysterious, exciting, and hopeful.

Jesus was just that for so many people.  The reason the authors of the New Testament needed Jesus to speak and refer to the Old Testament was to prove that he was fulfilling what was spoken of about the Messiah.  The crowds reading the gospels and the ones who heard Jesus speak would understand who he was because of this.

Yet, for us so far removed from that time, we don’t necessarily need convincing of the links between Jesus and the Messiah. We find ourselves more confused about the references than find hope in them.  So, what do we do with all this harkening back to the Old Testament?

I found that one of the most powerful things we can do is read the Old Testament without inserting Jesus into it.  I know that sounds strange, but there was true promise and hope for the Israelites with their prophecies.  The prophecies were poetic, profound, and convicting.  Isaiah 9:6-7 speaks of the son being born who will be the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Right away, we say “it’s Jesus!”, but what would it have been like to hope for this prophecy, without knowing the outcome.  The Palm Sunday text is one that was prophesized in Zechariah 9:9. It was a prophecy of hope and profound confidence.

I write about this to give you an encouraging reminder.  What might feel old, tired, and confusing for us today when it comes to scripture, truly held hope and excitement for those of biblical times.  May this somewhat tired old text of Palm Sunday today, harken you back to the hope of a Messiah, a hope that Peter felt and struggled with.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What things in your life might need to be revitalized or looked at with new found hope?
  • What prophecies confound you still?  


Christ our true prophecy,
Allow us to dig deeper into your story.  To see you as the mysterious, transformative presence you are in our lives and all of history.  May we remember the ways in which you fulfilled the prophecies of old, but truly wrote your own way in the world.  Loving Peter, the disciples, and all creation with fierce grace.  Amen.


Posted by Pastor Jessica Kingsborough

Pastor Jessica joined the Southwood staff in 2019. As Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Care, she enjoys teaching and being in conversation with congregation members about faith and life. Pastor Jessica is an avid movie buff and a great addition to any trivia night. She is married to David who serves as pastor at Yankee Hill Retirement Village. The two of them can be found most days off exploring and going on adventures with their two young daughters Tillie and Lindy. Pastor Jessica is also obsessed with her two mischievous pet chinchillas Gus and Jaq. Don't know what a chinchilla is? Make sure to stop and ask her, they're amazing!

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