Matthew 2:1-12
Growing up, I remember going outside at night on my grandparents’ farm and looking up at the stars. As a city kid, it was amazing to see millions of bright points of light shining through the vast blanket of darkness. When my husband and daughter visited Tanzania many years ago, they said it was one of their highlights to be outside gazing at the stars and experiencing the majesty and serenity of the night sky. Recently, my son visited Colorado and sent me a picture he took of the stars at night. The picture was beautiful, but I’m sure it didn’t begin to capture what he was seeing in person. When he got home, it was hard for him to describe how the experience impacted him.
Have you experienced the awe and splendor of the stars in the night sky? How would you describe the encounter? The wise men experienced an amazing night sky with a brilliant star and were led to find Jesus.
Creator of the stars of night,
your people's everlasting light,
O Christ, redeemer of us all,
we pray you hear us when we call.
(Latin hymn, 9th cent.)
This ancient hymn reminds us that the stars we see above are evidence of God’s creative work and that we, of all God's creatures, are privileged to comprehend that glorious fact. Furthermore, the hymn announces that Jesus has redeemed us all and invites us to call upon him in prayer.
Just as the wise men followed the star that led them to Jesus, we can look to the night sky and encounter the mystery and power of God. Imagine a young woman cradled the God who strung the stars in the sky and Hope was born into the world. Take time to look up at the night sky. Could one of those stars be the Christmas star that leads you to Christ?
Listen: Creator of the Stars of Night
Questions for Reflection:
- Recall a time when you looked up at the night sky and were amazed by the beauty of the stars. How did it make you feel? Take time this week to go outside and remember that the Creator of the Stars hears us when we call and redeems us all.
God of the universe, may my contemplation of your creation lead me back to you. Amen.
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