Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
“The people were looking toward the future, and they were all trying to work it out in their hearts about John, as to whether he might possibly be the anointed one, but John responded to them all by saying, “I baptize you with water, but someone more powerful than me is coming; I’m not fit to untie a thong on his sandals. He’ll baptize you with the holy life-breath, and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand to clean his threshing floor out thoroughly and gather the grain into his barn, and he’ll burn the chaff with a fire that can’t be put out”…But first it happened that when all the people had been baptized and was praying, the sky opened, and the holy life-breath came down to alight on him in a form with a body, appearing as a dove, and a voice came from the sky: “You are my beloved son, I’ve taken delight in you.”” (See Genesis 22 for similar language when Abraham was commanded to sacrifice Isaac.) [Sarah Ruden]
One of our members from memory care could not tell us where she’s living. She can’t remember lots of things. But she knows she’s remembered. She thanked us for the visits, a prayer shawl, worship experiences, all these things our volunteers do. It may not be apparent but this scripture is really about her experience. Not her baptism per se but the difference between the power of John the Baptist and Jesus. John the Baptist strikes fear into people’s hearts and many to turn back to God. But Jesus baptizes with the life-breath of God and fire. (Luke wrote Acts and in Acts on Pentecost the life-breath comes and tongues of fire descend.) The power of God’s life-breath and fire is not fear based but love and grace based. It may be a slower process but it sticks better and changes us for the long run. May that life-breath love of God (Holy Spirit) touch your hearts and minds bringing you newness and a more whole life.
Questions for Reflection:
- What humble task have you done that is lower than a servant’s washing feet? What difference did it make?
- Whom in your circle of family and friends have you told they are a delight and cherished?
God of delight and love, motivate us to volunteer, to make someone’s day, to be a model of a life of prayer where we care and do what we can for each other. Remind us of our baptism where you be-love and delight in us. Amen.
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