Sunday, February 23, 2025


Luke 6:32-38

Make sure you measure correctly…

Have you ever baked anything in your life? As a 4H kid I was taught how to make perfectly circular, measured, and balanced oatmeal cookies. I don’t even like oatmeal cookies, but to this day what sticks in my head is my mother’s instructions to make sure you measure those dry ingredients perfectly. “Use a knife to measure off the flour - make sure to pack that brown sugar in.”

So, when I heard Jesus’ words at the end of this text today, I couldn’t help but hear my mother’s wisdom ringing in my ears. Yet, how does this image draw us into the story and instruction of Jesus? How does measuring our love, forgiveness, and humility result in better relationships and attitude?

What Jesus is saying in this text is that we need to be aware of how we show up for others. Whether our dear friends or worst enemies. Jesus calls us to a difficult task. To measure our actions by seeing what we will get in return or digest ourselves. For Jesus it’s more important to fill your dry measurement tools with love and overflow the ingredients than skimp on what you’re serving to others. Unless of course you’re serving hatred, judgment, and condemnation.

It’s a hard recipe to be handed, but as followers of Christ we have to be up for the challenge of making our tables longer and not deciding who is welcome at them.

When I was first learning to bake, I messed up quite a bit. Too much salt, not mixing the liquid ingredients very well, stirring the dry ingredients in too fast so they flew out of the bowl. It takes work, but along the way we have others who teach us how to be better bakers, and give us the grace to learn. May you see Jesus’ call to love others as a recipe we can all master if we just try.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What in your life have you learned to do and the instructions still stick with you?  
  • What are some ways that you can measure and overflow your love by showing grace, mercy, and humility?


Master Baker God,
You created and molded us into your children with overflowing measurements of love. May we step out in hope for how we can show up for others and create places of unity and openness. May we show and shape communities of dignity and compassion, even when it’s hard. In your name we pray. Amen. 


Posted by Pastor Jessica Kingsborough

Pastor Jessica joined the Southwood staff in 2019. As Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Care, she enjoys teaching and being in conversation with congregation members about faith and life. Pastor Jessica is an avid movie buff and a great addition to any trivia night. She is married to David who serves as pastor at Yankee Hill Retirement Village. The two of them can be found most days off exploring and going on adventures with their two young daughters Tillie and Lindy. Pastor Jessica is also obsessed with her two mischievous pet chinchillas Gus and Jaq. Don't know what a chinchilla is? Make sure to stop and ask her, they're amazing!

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