Sunday, February 16, 2025


Luke 6:17-26

Have you ever had someone pray a blessing over you? I’m sure the pastor prayed a blessing over me at my baptism, but as an infant, I don’t remember that. However, I remember the blessing my confirmation pastor prayed over me very well. Pastor Royal F. Peterson was a retired eighty-something-year-old minister serving our church in an interim role while the call committee worked to find a new pastor. Our confirmation class was less than enthusiastic about showing up on Wednesday nights for Bible study and Pastor Peterson was generally disappointed with our lack of engagement! As the time came for our class to be confirmed, he took each of us aside to pray for us individually. He prayed that God would bless and guide me throughout my life. It was a very special moment in which I truly felt God’s hand over me.

Receiving a blessing from someone helps us understand the love of God. Despite what the world might say, God declares “Blessed are you.” In the Beatitudes, Jesus does not give us conditions that must be fulfilled to be blessed. Jesus declares that God’s blessing is for all, even or most assuredly in times and experiences that the world despises, ignores, or overlooks. Jesus declares this blessing not to minimize the suffering but to promise that the blessing of God is ever more real, powerful, and lasting. This blessing is for us, and we are invited to enter the hard places of life to be a blessing to others.


“Blessed Are the Poor” (by Adam Tice & Kate Williams)  (Hear this song in worship today (2/16/25) also!)

Blessed are the poor—the people who live in God’s holy reign.
Blessed are the sad, for comfort is yours through sorrow and pain.
Blessed are the meek, for you will inherit what long was denied.
Hungry, thirsty ones, your longing for justice will be satisfied.
Rejoice, be glad, for heaven is coming to you.

Questions for Reflection:

  • If you are going through a hard time right now, hear God pronouncing these words of Love over you today: “Blessed are you.”
  • If you know someone going through a hard time right now, how can you enter the hard place with them so that they might know God’s love and blessing?


My God, how wonderful You are in providing Your very holiness as my gift through Christ.  Increase my faith, love, and zeal, for his sake. Amen.Rosenius’ Daily Meditations*
(*from the book given to me by Pastor Royal Peterson on the occasion of my college Senior Organ Recital 7 years after my confirmation.)


Posted by Denise Makinson

Denise Makinson has been directing the music ministry at Southwood since May of 1994. She remembers  the days of leading worship in the sanctuary on 27th Street with the 30-year-old electric Baldwin organ - the B flats only worked occasionally! What a beautiful musical journey we have been on over these many years together as a congregation. She and her husband John have two young adult children, Erin and Nathan. In her free time, Denise enjoys flower gardening.

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