Monday, October 14, 2024


Deuteronomy 15:7-8

“If there is among you anyone in need, a member of your community in any of your towns within the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor. You should rather open your hand, willingly lending enough to meet the need, whatever it may be.”  ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ (NRSV)

I have long had the thought in my head that I would like to go on a mission trip. But I can’t seem to decide which one? Or where? Or when? Do I go abroad or just get involved with helping people here in Lincoln? As members of Southwood, we have many great options to get involved in helping others both near and far.

I enjoy hearing the experiences of others who have followed their hearts and the Holy Spirit’s nudges. I envy the changes that have been instilled in them by the experiences and the people they have encountered. I marvel at the work they were able to accomplish in short stints as well as long organizational processes. Southwood and its people, God’s people, do good work in the world.

The problem, if I were to go, is a personal indwelling vacillation about who a mission trip would benefit. Me or them? Am I seeking a mission trip as a way to grow in favor with God? Or with friends and family? Would they think better of me for having gone on a mission trip? Or am I doing it just to feel good about myself?

When I think selfishly, I can’t help but think of the benefit I may gain by a mission experience. How my life may be changed? But I don’t think that is what our verse is telling us today. Moses is telling his people that they need to give openly and willingly to meet the needs of the poor.  We are called by God to serve those in need. In John 12:8 Jesus reminds us that there will “always be poor among us.” We need to remember that the poor and needy among us are not there so we have an opportunity to serve. We have an opportunity to serve because they are there.

The need is great. So should be the response. Especially by those who can help. You and me. 

Questions for Reflection:

  • Have you ever had the nudge to go on a mission trip? What is holding you back?
  • In what ways can we as a congregation further meet the needs in Lincoln? In Nebraska?, In the world?


Heavenly Father, 
Help us to recognize the needs of your people in the world. Help us to develop a response. Help us to act it out. Help us to show your love to all people in need. Amen


Posted by Duane Wade

Duane Wade - Duane and his wife Kandy have two children, Anna and Connor. Believer, Husband, Father, Physical Therapist, Husker fan, Cubs fan, Outdoors guy, Foodie-wanna-be, Beer snob. Life is grand.

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