Friday, October 4, 2024


Romans 12:4-5

For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Romans 12:4-5 (NKJV)

I don’t know about you, but unpacking groceries always tends to be an exciting event at our house. What fabulous treats would be removed from the brown paper bags on the counter. As my kids help unload the bags, one by one the items are revealed. First out…a bag of flour. Zero excitement there, as it’s just a bag of flour. My kids continue to unpack the bags. Out comes the baking soda and milk, still not a lot of excitement. But then out comes the sugar and the chocolate chips; and the excitement starts to bubble. Now if you are my son, you are just excited about chocolate chips, but for the rest of my family they now see not the individual ingredients but what they have the potential to become…chocolate chip cookies. And as exciting as the chocolate chips may be, they do not become fantastic chocolate chip cookies without the rest of the ingredients in the bag…especially the flour! All of the ingredients, the pieces, the members are needed in order to make the delicious end product.

On our own, we can’t do everything. But if we are willing to use our gifts and talents for God, He will bless them and allow the church to work together. Butter or flour or vanilla, all by themselves, aren’t too useful. But when someone with a plan puts them together and knows how to use them, they make delicious treats! God is like that baker. He has a plan for us. He knows what is best, and how He can use us in special ways. God gives us what we need, and He gives us special skills. Some people are good at teaching (there is always room for more Sunday School help!), some are good at speaking or organizing or listening to those in need. Each of us has something to share. We can share with one another and give back to God and His church. When we do that, the body of Christ can serve other people and do wonderful things. It’s even better than making cookies!

Questions for Reflection:

  • What skills and ingredients do you possess that make you vital to God’s plan?
  • How can you help others see the important piece they play in God’s plan?


Dear Lord,
Thank you for all that you are and all that you have allowed me to be. I pray that you open our eyes that we may see our function in your world. May we work together not as individuals but as one body.  In Jesus' name

ServingSpiritual Gifts

Posted by Molly Trumble

I am an energetic mother of three fantastic kids. I am a lover of Sunday mornings when my entire family is together for worship. I love being active, a great outdoor concert, and am lucky enough to work with great kids and teachers daily as the Coordinator at Riley Elementary.

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