Friday, October 18, 2024


James 2:14-17

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?  Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.  If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:14-17 (NIV)

Everything today seems to come with “strings attached”. Nothing is free and clear. Nothing is simple. It would be very easy to read this passage and come to this conclusion. Many of us, however, think faith is simple and comes with no “strings attached”. How often have your thoughts taken you down this path: “I look out for and care about my brothers and sisters. When they need help, I encourage them and tell them not to worry. I tell them to have faith in God and tell them that they will be taken care of. I even have faith that this will happen. There really is nothing for me to do because it is in God’s hands. It’s that simple. God will make it all right.” Putting these thoughts into other words, I have faith that God will act.

Now let’s look at this concept from a different perspective. In this passage, the “strings attached” are God’s expectations. It is true that God loves us unconditionally and offers us, through His grace, the gift of eternal life if we believe and have faith in Him. However, He also expects us to act as Jesus taught us and to live by His examples. He expects us to come to the physical and spiritual aid of our brothers and sisters and walk with them. He also knows that this may be a difficult task for us and may take us well outside our comfort zone. While there is no ledger kept that records our efforts or deeds, God clearly sees how we put our faith into action and the difference that we make. He sees how we live up to His expectations. He has faith in us. He knows that we will do the right thing. Putting this thought into other words, God has faith that I will act.

We all need to take a good, hard look at our faith and see whether we are meeting God’s expectations. Putting it in simple terms, which of these statements applies to you?

Thanks be to God!

Questions for Reflection:

  • Does your faith “have strings attached”?
  • If so, what do you feel God’s expectations are of you?


Heavenly Father, please help us to look to you for the guidance, inspiration, love and hope that we seek. Help us as well to truly appreciate your gifts of love, grace and your Son, Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Posted by Scott Kiefer

Scott Kiefer - I have been attending Southwood since 1999. My wife Lori and I were married at Southwood in October 2012. I actively participate in Southwood's choirs and the Men's Breakfast fellowship group. Both of these groups were there to help me through the trials and difficult portions of my life and inspire many of the devotions that I write. I am retired from the BNSF Railway and work as a consultant supporting various Federal agencies with railroad and transit policy and projects.

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