Serving God as a Family
All you have to do is say YES one time and you will be hooked. Our family started volunteering when my husband Mark volunteered at Vacation Bible School 15 years ago when our oldest was 5, and we have not looked back. Our kids, now long out of Sunday School, are still serving on Sundays as room helpers, Youth Leaders at VBS and the Advent Festival as their high school and college schedules allow.
How to be a good servant of God, is something Mark and I wanted to role model as parents. It is exciting to see the connections we have made with the youth in the church and to watch them grow in their faith. We may see kids for a small amount of time but know that we have made an impact as even years later, they always take a moment to say “hi” when we see them in church and around town.
I would challenge you to volunteer some time with Children’s Ministry. There is something for everyone. Oh, the differences you can make in the life a young one if you just say YES.
Brenda Neemann
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