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Community Matters
April 12, 2024 | by Jean Salisbury
Community MattersBy Jean Salisbury When I joined Southwood Lutheran Church, I did not know anyone in the church, having moved from a small town...
Faith growth in community allows you to learn from others and feel supported as you build relationships. Whether it's a Sunday morning pastor-led class in the Fellowship Hall, a Men's or Women's study or a Small Group that meets in a home, there's always someone waiting to journey with you.
When: Wednesday, April 9, 12 - 1:30PM
Program: Embracing Technology: A Guide to AI
Speaker: Rich Sincovec
Artificial Intelligence, AI, is a force driving our future. This presentation is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of AI; where it began, how it functions, and the transformative power it holds for you in everyday life. Readily available AI systems such as ChatGPT and CoPilot will be used to show how AI can assist you with planning trips, creating devotions, helping with bible studies, summarizing books, authoring stories, songs, and poems, creating recipes and images, language translation and other things. These demonstrations are intended to bring AI to life for you and enable you to use the power of AI on devices that you are now using such as smart phones, computers, and tablets.
Menu: A catered meal will be served. Bring a dessert to share if you wish.
$5 freewill donation at the time of the event
Let’s kick off Pride Month with a celebration! The LGBTQ+ and Allies Group invites you to enjoy free food, fellowship, and prayer as we give thanks for those in our congregation and community who are LGBTQ+. We are all created in the beautiful image of God and coming together to support one another is important as we build up Christ’s kingdom.
We look forward to seeing you in the Prayer Garden on the West side of the church building, near the fountain and tables. (Fellowship Hall if inclement weather).
Join this small group at any time for a weekly book study on Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart. The study will explore the complexity of hope and resilience during deeply challenging times.
If you are struggling to cheer in the new year, join this small group to find solace and support to process your discomfort.
“Do not worry,” Jesus tells us, yet we know this is something that’s easier said than done! At this year’s gathering, we will dig into biblical perspectives on dealing with worry; we will also engage some spiritual practices to help ourselves let go of worry and create within ourselves a space of peace.
Pastor Day is the pastor of Spirit of Hope Church here in Lincoln and is providing assistance to Southwood in the areas of adult ministries and pastoral care. She has a gift in helping Bible stories become relevant to our lives today. You’ll enjoy getting to know her!
Childcare available. $5 freewill donation for brunch.