Wednesday, September 4, 2024


James 5:16

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16 (NIV)

One of my granddaughters has always had a very determined nature and wants to learn things by herself, with no assistance. When she was about 4 years- old she wanted to do a turn on the monkey bars at the school playground. I went to help her but with fire in her eye and gritted teeth she said, “I will never, Never, NEVER ask for help!” That statement truly defines her tenacity and determination.

Recently I read a statement that defines the commitment a Christian should have in praying for non-believers. Quoted from, The Unexpected Adventure, Lee Strobel states, “Never give up. Never cease praying. Never stop lifting up those you care about to the throne of grace.” Mother Teresa said, “When I pray, coincidences happen. When I stop, they don’t.”

Prayer isn’t just one more thing we can do. It is the very best thing that we can do. I believe that we tend to make praying much more complicated than it needs to be. Possibly thinking, I don’t have time to pray, I don’t know how to pray, this isn’t important enough to bother God with. Do any of those excuses sound familiar? God has made each of us very unique, so why would He expect us to have a set, formal way to pray? He desires that we just humbly come to Him with any and all of our concerns that trouble our hearts. Our prayers can be long or short, but they need to be often, connecting us to our greatest source of strength, God almighty! He does answer our prayers, so we should never, Never, NEVER give up praying.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What excuses have you used for not taking your concerns to God?
  • What part of your day do you find it best to connect with God in prayer? In the morning as you start your day, In the evening as your daily responsibilities slow down. The time does not matter, God is always accessible.


Good and gracious God,
Thank you for the awesome privilege of talking with You through prayer! May I always, Always, ALWAYS remember that I am Your child and that You want to hear from me. Amen


Posted by Janet Swanson

Janet Swanson - Janet is a retired Head Start teacher and now enjoys spending more time with her family and friends. She has been a member of Southwood over 40 years. Being part of the 2016 mission team to Tanzania, fulfilled a life long dream.

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