Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)

When two iron blades are rubbed together, each becomes sharper and ultimately better able to serve its purpose than it was before. The act of sharpening grinds away dull edges and creates a sharp, refined surface. It’s an interesting metaphor.

Similarly, when we engage with others in friendship or other caring relationships, we also have the potential to become better than we were before. Take, for instance, a Bible study or small group that openly discusses topics in honest, respectful and loving ways. The members of the group may challenge each other, grow to understand new perspectives, offer encouragement or have light bulb moments with new ideas. Perhaps some recognize the Holy Spirit opening their eyes through the words of others. As members go about their lives between their group times, they may be “sharper” than they were before and better able to serve God’s purpose for them.

Other close relationships can serve a similar purpose when based on the foundation of kindness, care, honesty & respect. Friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, sports teams and more - all give opportunities to sharpen and shine. 

Questions for Reflection:

  • How have small groups been an impact in your life in the past?  
  • What connections have meaning in your life & help you to be your best?
  • How are you sharpening others in your life?
  • How are others sharpening you?


Lord, lead us to meaningful connections with others, to sharpen each other & ultimately to shine your light into the world. Amen.


Posted by Colbi Schuster

Colbi has been a member of Southwood for 35+ years.  She has 3 grown kids, enjoys cats/dogs, Nebraska volleyball and genealogy. 

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