Sunday, May 26, 2024


John 3:1-17

Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. John 3:5 (NRSVUE)

One of the hymns we sing in worship at Southwood is “We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus.” It was written by John Ylvisaker (1937-2017.) John is perhaps best known for his hymn “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry.” His hymns were influential in developing new worship resources for the church because they gracefully wove together sound theology, simple, yet profound lyrics, and singability. The first stanza of “We Are Baptized” reads:

We are baptized in Christ Jesus, we are baptized in his death;
that as Christ is raised victorious, we might live a brand new life.
And if we have been united in a dreadful death like his,
we will all be reunited, for he lives.

It is interesting to note that this hymn was originally published as “We were baptized in Christ Jesus,” but then John later revised it to the present tense. I think this hymn helps us understand our lesson from the Gospel of John.

In John 3:1-17, Jesus used birth to talk about how God acts through baptism. It is not our decision or act, but rather it is being "born from above" and being "born of water and Spirit." It is God's blessing in baptism. So we say not only that we were baptized, but that we are baptized. It is like saying that not only was I married, but I am married. We live daily in the gift and blessing of baptism. This gift is the quality of eternal life that Jesus gives while we walk this earth as well as the gift of an eternal future with God.

Martin Luther in his Large Catechism said, "Thus a Christian life is nothing else than a daily baptism, begun once and continuing ever after. ... Therefore, let all Christians regard their baptism as the daily garment that they are to wear all the time." (The Large Catechism, Book of Concord, p.445) 

As John Ylvisaker grew in his understanding of what being baptized means, he changed the lyrics to his hymn. As you write the story of your life, how does it change knowing that we wake up anew as a child of God each day?

Listen: We Were Baptized in Christ Jesus (Southwood Community Women’s Chorus)

Question for Reflection:


O God our creator, dress us this day with the baptismal garment of salvation. Help us remember the daily gift of being born of water and the Spirit. Amen.


Posted by Denise Makinson

Denise Makinson has been directing the music ministry at Southwood since May of 1994. She remembers  the days of leading worship in the sanctuary on 27th Street with the 30-year-old electric Baldwin organ - the B flats only worked occasionally! What a beautiful musical journey we have been on over these many years together as a congregation. She and her husband John have two young adult children, Erin and Nathan. In her free time, Denise enjoys flower gardening.

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