Saturday, June 15, 2024


Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 (NIV)

“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?”

I have had the opportunity and privilege to sing those words many times over the years as a member of Southwood’s choirs. And each time I sing those words I experience feelings that describe where I am in life and how I got there. Feelings that describe my journey. Let me explain.

Going through the darkest times in my life I felt that I had no hope. I felt abandoned by friends, family, God, and life in general. Nothing was going right. All there was in my life was darkness. I was spiraling downward and the future did not look good for me. I needed help but had no idea where it would come from. I was afraid.

And that’s when Southwood really became a significant part of my life.

I had attended Southwood regularly and participated in a men’s group but wasn’t in a position to ask for help. Things were rapidly spiraling downward, and my life was sliding into darkness. Then I had to move from Lincoln for work. That thoroughly compounded the problem. I didn’t realize it then, but even though I moved away physically, for some reason, Southwood stayed in the back of my mind. There was a glimmer of light (and hope). After hitting what I thought was the lowest point in my life I cried out for help. To God. To anyone that would listen.

And then it happened.

My road to salvation started with a move back to Lincoln and back to Southwood. I didn’t care what the consequences of that move would be, but I needed to go back. A small light suddenly appeared at the end of what had been a dark tunnel. Things started to become clear. I realized that the Holy Spirit had nudged and empowered others to walk with me and help me and that light which was a long ways away was suddenly closer. I saw that God had not abandoned me after all and had a plan for me. There were people that cared and people that were there to help. Through my brothers and sisters in Christ that were walking with me on my long journey, He brought me out of the darkness and into the light.

He saved me through His grace. He became my light and my salvation. I was no longer afraid.

I do not fear what is ahead for me. I do not fear the opportunity and challenge at times of helping others in need. I truly hope that God will use me to walk with others in need, just as the Holy Spirit has empowered others that have walked with me.

I also have good news for those currently in a dark place or without hope. There is salvation and hope in the light! And our gracious God has provided a loving church and willing brothers and sisters that will walk with you and help you get there. And as I have said before, I am living proof of that.

Thanks be to God.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Have you ever been in a dark place without hope? 
  • If so, what was that like? How did you feel?
  • Did someone walk with you? Did it help?
  • Did you experience salvation? What happened?
  • Have you been there for others as a result?


Heavenly Father, please help us to look to you for the guidance, inspiration, love and hope that we seek. Help us as well to truly appreciate your gifts of love, grace and your Son Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Posted by Scott Kiefer

Scott Kiefer - I have been attending Southwood since 1999. My wife Lori and I were married at Southwood in October 2012. I actively participate in Southwood's choirs and the Men's Breakfast fellowship group. Both of these groups were there to help me through the trials and difficult portions of my life and inspire many of the devotions that I write. I am retired from the BNSF Railway and work as a consultant supporting various Federal agencies with railroad and transit policy and projects.

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