Monday, July 22, 2024


Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 (NKJ)

One of England’s leading actors was being honored at a banquet. After dinner the Master of Ceremonies asked the actor if he would recite for the guests. He consented, asking if there was something in particular someone would like to hear.

After a moment’s pause, an old clergyman spoke up, saying, “Sir, could you recite the Twenty-third Psalm?”

For a moment the actor was speechless. Then he said, “Yes, I will be glad to, but on one condition; that is, that after I have recited it, you will do the same.”

Impressively the great actor recited the Psalm holding his audience spellbound. As he finished, a great burst of applause broke out from the guests.

After the applause ceased, the clergyman quietly arose. The audience listened as the Psalm was again recited. When it was done, there was not a dry eye in the room. After a moment of silence, the actor said, “I reached your ears, but this man reached your hearts. I know the Psalm, but he knows the Shepherd.”

Little words often have great significance. In the 1st verse of Psalm 23 the pronoun “My” is important. The little two letter word indicates a relationship between the Lord and David. David didn’t say the Lord is “a” shepherd, but “my” shepherd.

Sheep easily go astray. It takes the shepherd’s careful search to find them and restore them to the fold. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” (Isaiah 53:6)

Jesus came as the Good Shepherd to make possible a personal relationship between God and man. Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep”. (John 10:11)

Questions for Reflection:

  • Do you only know the Psalm, or do you know the Shepherd?

  • Can you say, “The Lord is MY Shepherd?”

  • If not, you can ask Jesus Christ into your life to become your personal Savior and Good Shepherd.

    Read the remainder of Psalm 23 and reflect on these beautiful words.


Good and gracious God,
Thank you for Your promise to be MY shepherd. I have so often wandered into valleys not so green, but You promise me that is not where my story will end. Please continue to guide and protect me as You are leading me home. Amen


Posted by Janet Swanson

Janet Swanson - Janet is a retired Head Start teacher and now enjoys spending more time with her family and friends. She has been a member of Southwood over 40 years. Being part of the 2016 mission team to Tanzania, fulfilled a life long dream.

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