Friday, June 28, 2024


2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)

Paul had hope. He knew that every day he was being made more like Christ. He knew every situation he was in was to be viewed in light of eternity. Paul looked to what he could not see, and he did not fix his eyes on what he could see. The promise of eternal life was his guiding light.

Gigi had hope. Gigi was a phenomenal little girl who was given only eight years in this world to teach countless others to not lose heart. Outwardly Gigi was, as Paul said, ‘wasting away’ due to pediatric brain cancer, but in spite of, and because of, her radiation-induced blindness, she fixed her eyes on what she could not see. Gigi adopted me to be her ‘Lita. We spent everyday together for months and had so much fun. Each moment was a joy-filled adventure with Gigi!  One afternoon she asked me to describe what Scott (who died the year she was born) looked like. After doing so, I asked her why she wanted to know. She responded, “You know I’m not afraid to die, ’Lita. I just don’t like going places where I don’t know anybody.” Gigi talked often about heaven and what it would be like and what she would do as soon as she saw Papa Scott. “I will run to him and he will lift me high into the air.”

Paul said, “Therefore we do not lose hope.” Gigi never lost hope, hoping not only for a cure but also for the promise of what was to come. She enjoyed going to church with me and adored Pastor Michael, or as she lovingly called him, “Magic Mike.” One Sunday the men’s chorus beautifully sang, “Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul.” She joined in, saying ‘How did they know this is my favorite song?” Nine years ago this week, Gigi sang that song as we called Magic Mike to help us say ‘see you later.’ Gigi’s light continued to shine bright as she told her parents and sister how much she loved them and giggled sharing memories. She asked for her picture of Scott and as she held it, Gigi said, “You guys, you should see how beautiful he is. You should see how beautiful EVERYTHING is!” And with that, Gigi raised her arms to be lifted high into the air, smiling.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What helps you not to lose hope? What do you fix your eyes on?


Lord, Giver of Life and Love, we give you thanks for the promise of eternal life. Help us to see the light that is always before us. And bless us as we strive to be the light in other people’s eyes. To your glory we lift up our prayers.  Amen

Eternal LifeHope

Posted by Marilyn Mecham

Travel is a big part of my life due to having a bi-coastal family and the nature of my work with Mentors, a global foundation. As members of Southwood Lutheran since 1978, the Mecham kids were blessed to grow up in a strong, loving, fun church family, the likes of which they seek in Durham, Los Angeles, and Kansas City. Four grand-blessings (from Guatemala, Ethiopia and North Carolina) bring endless joy whether near or far.

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