Friday, August 23, 2024


2 Corinthians 1:8-11

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.  Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.  He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 (NIV)

Paul is telling the Corinthian church about the troubles that he and Timothy faced in their travels. As their problems and suffering became greater than they could handle, they began to despair, feeling as if they were sentenced to death. At that point, instead of trying to handle everything themselves, they instead gave their total reliance on God. They realized that if God has the power to raise the dead, they could depend on and place their hope in God to deliver them from every peril/problem they faced, even death.

God desires a relationship with all of us. We are designed to rely, trust, and have confidence in God. But because of our sinful nature, we’re determined to rely on ourselves. We try to control and handle our own problems and suffering ourselves. God loves us too much, though, to leave us that way.

As a high school teacher, coach, and game official, I felt like I was in control of “things.” I mean I planned my class lessons, determined athletic practice plans, and made the “calls” during the game. When problems arose, I felt like it was my job to solve them without relying on anyone else or God to help me. My ego caused me a lot of worry and anxiety. Wouldn’t it have been better to ask the Lord for help and trust in His help instead? Also, what happens when I can’t solve the problems or relieve the suffering?

We all have or will have to face difficulties and suffering from which we cannot deliver ourselves or family members. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us very plainly that in this world we will have trouble, but to rely on Him as He has overcome the world. This is an important lesson for us (me in particular) to learn. When we face these troubles, instead of relying on ourselves, we must learn to rely on and to trust God as our Heavenly Father.

Why is that so hard for us/me? Well, I suppose, I/we hope that life will always be good and nothing bad will happen to us or our loved ones (especially if we feel like we are “doing things” the right way, as we think the Lord would want us to.) Unfortunately, if we believe what Jesus said, then it is a given that we will have trouble. (And face it, we know it is true.) That’s the bad news, but the good news is that God is the one we can rely on and trust to help us through our troubles. Paul tells us that God can even deliver us from death, so there are no troubles in this world from which God cannot deliver us.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What are your thoughts on what Jesus says about facing trouble in this world?
  • How well are you able to rely on God when faced with suffering and problems?


Heavenly Father, thank you for wanting a relationship with us and forgive us for trying to control everything in our lives ourselves. Help us to realize that when we face troubles or suffering, that it is an opportunity to learn to rely more on you than on ourselves. Thank you for your son Jesus, who will deliver us from all trouble if we trust in Him. Amen.


Posted by Doug Miller

Doug Miller - I am a retired high school business teacher, football & baseball coach, and basketball official. Lisa Maschman is my wife. She has been a member of Southwood for many years, while I am a relatively new member of six years. At home we have Willie, our lovable Whippet. We have nine grandchildren we love to spend time with and attend their various events. In addition, we enjoy traveling, volunteering at church, delivering Meals on Wheels, and watching NU athletic events. I love to watch high school athletics and drama/musical events! Go watch a high school game or event near you sometime. It will be awesome, I promise!

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