The Prodigal Son God: The Journey to Wholeheartedness
In the gospel of Luke, the Parable of the Prodigal Son is a well-known story about a father and his two sons who take two different approaches to their young-adult lives. The “prodigal son” is known for his lavish lifestyle and reckless spending. God certainly isn’t “prodigal” - or, is he? Join us this fall to discover how God’s lavish love for us can lead to a wholehearted life, filling the empty wells of our hearts with an even greater love for God and others.
Looking for ways to get involved this Fall? Visit our Volunteer Hub to see all our ministry and community volunteer opportunities.
Fall Lunchtime Bible Study
Tuesdays at Noon, four weeks beginning Sept. 10
In the Fellowship Hall
Bring your sack lunch and join a table group for a Bible study led by Pastor Michael and John Montag. No homework. Enjoy fascinating discussion based on the parable of The Prodigal Son.
Fall Small Groups & Book Club
- Small Groups begin the week of Sept. 8 - Based on the book Wholeheartedness by Chuck DeGroat. Go to our Group Finder to find an Open Group. Books will be available for sale.
- Book Club - Thursday, Sept. 19, 7-8PM - gather to discuss the book Wholeheartedness by Chuck DeGroat.
Start a group - Contact Jo at jsheets@southwoodlutheran.
church for leader resources.
Blessing of the Pets
Sunday, October 6, 12:30-1:30PM
Back Parking Lot (by the choir doors)
Join us for a Blessing of the Pets. Bring your furry, feathery and scaly friends to receive a blessing from the Pastors!
Choir Opportunities
Session 1: September
5 rehearsals at 6:30PM on Wednesdays in the Choir Room
September 11, 18 & 25
Sunday, September 29
Sing for Sunday worship at all 3 services
Visit the music page to see all the Fall Choir sessions.
Southwood Serves
Join Southwood in serving on Saturday, October 12! Begins with a short, fun worship service at 8:30AM. Serve from 9-11AM, lots of opportunities to serve in the community, at Southwood or from your home. Lunch on the back lawn 11AM-12:30PM, bring blankets or lawn chairs and have lunch and conversations with everyone who served.
Registration and t-shirts now available.
Mission Sunday
Sunday, October 13
God has lit a fire at Southwood. We are a church that serves. Worship with us on Sunday, October 13 to get a picture of all the ways God is working in and through the people of Southwood to make a difference. Spend time in the fellowship hall throughout the morning to talk with volunteers involved with Southwood’s mission partners and see photos from the past year in Missions.
Discover & Connect at Southwood
Discover Southwood: Sunday, October 6 at 10:45AM in the Fellowship Hall
Are you interested in joining Southwood? Sign up for our informational class, Discover Southwood! Membership at Southwood offers a sense of belonging and being part of a caring, loving church family. Pastor Jessica and other staff members will provide information to help in this important decision. An option to complete the membership process is provided at the end of the class.
Connect at Southwood: Sunday, October 20 at 10:45AM in the Fellowship Hall
Do you want to meet people to feel a sense of belonging? Are you looking for a new way to serve others? Come join our new members in learning about each area of our church. You’ll hear from our ministry/mission directors and key volunteers who will share their stories. At the end, you’ll have an opportunity to visit personally with staff, ask questions and get more information.
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